Covid Update – message from IPP’s Managing Director

September 30th 2021

As the world’s economies all try to re-start after 18 months of Covid disruptions, the news is full of stories about severe supply chain disruptions. These disruptions go all the way up and down the supply chain. Factories are having trouble getting production up and running; shipping and transport remain problematic (unannounced delays and drastic price increases); there is a worldwide scarcity of electronic components. Expectations are that these disruptions could take up to 12 – 18 months to get resolved.

IPP and its partners are not immune to these disruptions. Our team is working closely with our principal suppliers to minimize risks and to continue to support our customers in the best way possible. Among the actions we have taken:

  • Increasing our inventory of selected finished products
  • Investing in our suppliers’ advanced build-up of key components – mainly electrical components and PCB’s
  • Providing our suppliers with regular forecasts and consulting on potential areas of risk or shortfalls
  • Regular discussions with our partners on how lead-times are being affected and what actions we can take to mitigate inevitable setbacks
  • Encouraging the use of multiple sources for scarce components or materials

All of us at IPP are committed to minimizing the Covid disruptions as they affect our supply chain. We appreciate your help in providing us with your best forecasts to allow us to plan ahead.

Thank you!

Peter Carson
Managing Director

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